SAME SCHOOLS PROJECT 2021/2022. The fifth edition of the initiative.

After the resounding success of the last edition, the SAME Schools project was organised again for the 2021/2022 academic year, the fifth iteration of this initiative for the students of three year courses held at agrarian and professional mechanic institutes in Italy, which saw the involvement of many different Italian regions. Due to Covid, the editions of the project organised over the past two academic years were held remotely only. This however allowed schools and institutes geographically distant from Treviglio to also take an active part in the supplementary educational programme offered by the company.

The “SAME Schools” project addressed the specific needs of professional schools and colleges by offering targeted lessons on topics concerning mechanised agriculture tailored to integrate with the rest of the curriculum. Six lessons in total were offered, ranging from technical instruction on the agricultural tractor (what it is, how it evolved, components, applications and so on) to the latest technology in the sector (Precision Farming, evolution of agronomic and cultivation techniques etc.), and from the history of the agricultural revolution to the evolution of mechanisation in agriculture, with particular focus on combine harvesters and specialised vineyard and orchard tractors.

Conceived specifically for the needs of young learners, the SAME Schools project is founded on SDF’s conviction that the fabric of Italian agriculture is made up not of agricultural entrepreneurs, farmers, contractors and such alone, but also of those currently attending agrarian and professional institutes and who will go on to work in agriculture in the near future.

The increase in participation over last year seen for the 2021-2022 edition is proof of the widespread interest in this project: 139 lessons held from October to May; 32 participating agrarian and professional institutes in 13 different Italian regions; 5203 students and teachers.

The sixth edition, which begins this September at the start of the next academic year, will be more geared towards bringing students back to the Treviglio plant, where they will be able to see the production lines at work in person and experience the history of SAME and its tractors at first hand in the museum and Historical Archives.

For any further information or queries, write to the SDF Archives at the e-mail address: